Wednesday, May 26, 2010

They're really testing me...

First of all, just hunting is probably one of the most frustrating experiences. It is like watching paint dry, for lack of a more original metaphor. Submit resume, wait a few days or a week, call and check on it, then they say to call back at X Time and then it is a long drawn out process. It was more exciting waiting for payday while we were getting out of debt.

To make things more complicated the refrigerator is broken and the lawn mower we have cannot handle how long the grass has gotten. Yeah, we had our vacation and it got long, but I cannot seem to be able to get a time where I am able to cut the damn lawn or it actually stops raining. I swear, if the grass gets much longer the house is going to warp into a trailer. It's getting bad.

I'm trying to figure out which math equation to use to decide if I should just give up and go get an electric lawn mower. If the grass gets much longer the city will probably fine us for lack of upkeep and that might be more than just buying a lawn mower. This sucks.

The job hunt continues and we are going to the market tomorrow. I really don't know if I am going to be able to find someone who is reasonably priced to fix the damn fridge. We have an older fridge in the basement I'm considering plugging back in. I unplugged it the day we moved in to save electricity. We're modest people and we don't really keep a full fridge. Especially now since we're dealing with so many vegetables that can go bad.

87 days until I quit my job. I am really hoping I don't have to go through a period of unemployment.

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